Kendall Returns

Jess brought the baby down Valentine’s weekend to visit her great-grandmother, so we scheduled a session while she was here. She and Debbie stayed up late the night before to make the little cupid’s bow – too cute, ladies!! Being of Irish descent, we...

Is Your Family North America’s Cutest?

Marti Newkirk is a participating photographer in the 2010 International Charity Model Search for North America’s Cutest Family this year. This charity supports the “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” Foundation, a non-profit organization benefiting families...

Sayler is 9 months old!

Kristi scheduled with me to bring Sayler over Sunday for her nine month photo session, so on Saturday, I went prop shopping with Kelly and Ivory. I needed something for Sayler to pull up on that wouldn’t cover her up. We found a very cool little leather...

Family Shoot

When Renee called and asked if I could do an “on-location” shoot for their family portraits, I told her I’d love to give it a shot. I’ve been concentrating mostly on studio portraiture, so it was a great opportunity to get outside my comfort...


Jess, Tom and baby Kendall came over for the baby’s session tonight and she was just precious! (Thanks, Tracy for bringing them over!) They are all down here visiting Jess’ family for the holidays and her mom, Debbie wanted me to do some photos while they...

Baby Braylee

Give a photo session as a baby shower gift!! Jennifer did just that for her friend Ashley. Little baby Braylee (AKA “The Kickin’ Chicken) came for a visit when she was just 8 days old. She’s such a tiny little angel. Thank you, Jennifer for thinking...

Merry Christmas everyone!

I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  A special “Thank You” goes out to all of you who have supported my photography and helped me grow and learn more. It has truly been my pleasure to capture some of your memories.

Emma and Juliana

Two of my favorite little girls in the whole wide world came over Sunday for a fun photo session. They brought some props and I had a few of my own to dress them up in, too! (I found some cool wings at the Halloween close-out sales – whoot-whoot!!)  Emma just...

Sarel and Ivory

Sarel and Ivory came by to visit for a while last night and asked me to take a couple of photos for them to send to their parents. We put up the pop-out backdrop and just set up one light to snap a few shots.  Congratulations to the new couple!

Amanda, Ken and Little Ben

Today I had a photo session the cutest little family.  Amanda wanted a photo to send out with her upcoming graduation announcements. One thing led to another, so she and her family came over today for the shoot primarily of her, but also a few including the two men in...

New Section

I’ve added this new section to the website as an easier way to keep everyone posted on new pics as I add them.  I will be going back through previous shoots to add more pix, so check back every once in a while to see the new shots!

Sayler Mae’s 6 Month Session

Lori came over with Mike and Kristi to bring Sayler for her 6 month session. They brought some cute props in addition to the ones I had and several outfits for a great mix of shots. This baby just gets prettier every time I see her and she’s at such a fun stage!...

Miranda and Oscar

Miranda and Oscar came over this morning to get some shots of her baby bump. They are anxiously awaiting the birth of their son. Miranda’s mother and I are first cousins, so I have taken her photos before and know that she absolutely loves the camera. Oscar, on...