So, I’d been seeing these really cool looking newborn “nests” and wanted to try some shots with them. It has been years since I crocheted anything, but I figured I could remember enough to make a baby mat with fringe. Once they were finished, I posted a message to Facebook asking if anybody had a small baby and needed some pictures. Luckily, my neighbor across the street answered me right back and said, “Angie will be having her baby any day. It’s a girl!” So…we waited. And waited! Finally, she was born on 09/17/09, weighing in at 9lbs, 1 oz and 21 inches long. Since we had a little girl to work with, Kelly and I decided to make a little pink tutu for the shoot, too.
Angie and Mike brought the baby over on their way home from the hospital two days later. She was such a good little model…she slept through most of the shoot and let us move her around and pose her however we wanted. Congratulations to Angie and Mike on their new addition!
These are by far the most gorgeous pictures I have ever ever seen!!! love it!