Marti Newkirk
Certified Professional Photographer
Hi, I’m Marti Newkirk and welcome you to my site. I love to create beautiful images. While you’re here, have a look around the site and see some examples of my work and what my version of “beautiful” looks like. My specialty is photographing people – baby portraits, family portraits, seniors, wedding photography or boudoir, I would love to help you create something beautiful.
So, who am I? I am a wife to the love of my life, mother of two grown daughters and Mimi to two sweet little pumpkins. We enjoy kayaking, fishing and camping – weather permitting. Yes, I am a proud “fair weather” camper. Coffee in the morning and tea in the evening makes me a happy photographer. An occasional glass of sangria makes me a very happy photographer.
When I started my photography business, one of the first orders of business was to join the professional associations for the industry. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would they see me as “the competition” across town? Would there be cliques of people and as the new person, would I be outside looking in? Or worse yet, would my work be viewed as not good enough for their professional standards?
My fears were totally unfounded. Each of the organizations I joined welcomed me with open arms. They guided me to resources of information and videos and samples. These organizations exist for the betterment of their members and I can honestly say, I am a much better photographer for having joined them.

Professional Photographers of America
PPA provides education, guidance, insurance and improvement through print education and compeition.
2016 – Sealed Case 4/4 (comp in August)
2015 – Silver Photographer – 4/4 merits and 1 Image in the prestitious Loan Book
2014 – Image in the prestigious Loan Book
2013 – Merit images

SEPPA - Southeastern PPA
SEPPA is the PPA District of 14 SE states. Regional image competition and critiques annually. This happens before International Print Competition to help hone your images.
Member since 2012
2014 – First Place in Children’s Photography
August 2014 – SEPPA Magazine Cover (click)

Certified Professional Photographer
To receive CPP Certification, one must first pass an exam of 100 questions related to all areas of professional photography. The next step is image submission to a panel of Master Photographers demonstrating specific lighting patterns and other key attributes at a professional level.
Achieved certification in 2014 – one of only 5 in Polk County at the time.

Florida Professional Photographers
FPP exists soley for the benefit of its membership. A 3-day convention with education and (optional) competition is included in membership dues.
2016 – Executive Board – Secretary/Treasurer
2016 – Cover of Florida Photographer Magazine (click)
2015 – Board of Directors
Photography Committee Chair for Focus
2014 – Photography Committee Chair for Focus

Professional Photographers Guild of Mid Florida
PPGMF is our local PPA/FPP affiliate, a non-profit organization that meets once a month for educational seminars or print competition and critiques. All levels of photographers are welcome to join and learn together.
2015 Photographer of the Year
2015 President
2014 Vice President
2013 Joined my local PPA Affiliate