More Durdens!

We took a ride out to the ranch with the kids to get some family photos. The kids were so good – they’d been practicing their smiles all week – lol! Christa had the idea of having the kids hide their eyes while she got a little sugar from her honey....

Sara and Kitty

Sara’s friend called her to tell her about three little puppies that he found in a ditch, almost starved. Of course, she had to have one. So, after the vet visit, I met “Kitty”.  She is such a little cutie! There’s definitely some Cocker...

The James Family

The James family came over today for their first formal family portrait since the baby was born last year. They are such a cute little family.

All in the family

Hollis Gardens is such a pretty place, so my brother John and his family wanted us to do a photo session there. His daughter, Kenzie had just gotten a new pair of boots similar to Ashley’s and just knew she was tough stuff – LOL. Aren’t they a cute...

Hector and Kathryn are engaged!

Congratulations to Hector and Kathryn on their upcoming wedding! I met them in June at the Little Black Dress Event in Plant City – a pre High Heel Hike FUNdraiser  for autism awareness.  They are such a sweet couple and so very much in love! Thank you both for...

Manda and The Bean

Amanda and Beanie were in town recently from South Carolina, so it seemed like the perfect time to get some updated shots. He’s growing up to be such a sweet little man!