Jul 19, 2011 | Families, Maternity
When you make little girls this pretty, why bother making a little boy at all. Congratulations guys!
Jul 10, 2011 | Families, Maternity
Little Sayler Mae will soon have a little baby to love! Mike and Kristy have decided not to learn the sex of the baby beforehand, so we will all just have to wait and see if she gets a little brother or sister. Sayler told me today that she wants a brother, but...
Jul 7, 2011 | Babies, Families
The prettiest little newborn came to visit today. Meet little Riley and her gorgeous family….
Jun 6, 2011 | Families, Tots to Teens
Snips and snails, and puppy-dog tails. That’s what little boys are made of, but also dirt and grime and fun all the time…..
Mar 13, 2011 | Babies, Families
I had the privilege of photographing my first set of twins today and it was amazing!! These two are the cutest little babies and they just grab at each other and play so cute. Jake kept wanting to pull Carli’s headband off – LOL – typical boy!!...
Feb 26, 2011 | Babies, Families