Sarel and Ivory

Sarel and Ivory came by to visit for a while last night and asked me to take a couple of photos for them to send to their parents. We put up the pop-out backdrop and just set up one light to snap a few shots.  Congratulations to the new couple!

Amanda, Ken and Little Ben

Today I had a photo session the cutest little family.  Amanda wanted a photo to send out with her upcoming graduation announcements. One thing led to another, so she and her family came over today for the shoot primarily of her, but also a few including the two men in...

Donna and Mike

My cousin, Donna and her fiance Mike needed to have a photo taken for their wedding invitations so they came on over. They didn’t want formal looking shot, since they were having a casual wedding, so we opted to go out back instead of setting up the...


My second cousin, Clint and his family came over for a family session. Well, Punki (the little one) was quite busy inspecting the kitchen, the morning room – you know, Aunt Marti’s house in general, so she was much too busy to have her photo taken.  She...

Beanie and the Bunch

We went up to South Carolina for July 4th this year to visit with family and see a new addition, Beanie for the first time. He is just the cutest little chunk! I took part of the studio up so I could get some pictures of him for everybody. He’s almost six months...