Santa Experience 2018

Santa Experience 2018

I love the holidays – the food, the lights, the music, the fun!  There was really only one thing that I didn’t enjoy when the kids were little and that was Santa photos. Oh, it wasn’t necessarily the photo, mind you. It always seemed like...
Welcome, Baby Asher

Welcome, Baby Asher

I just love my lifetime customers. John is a dear friend from many moons ago. We grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools and had many of the same friends. When his daughter became a senior in high school, he brought her to me for her senior photos....
Gender Reveal for One of My Favorite Families

Gender Reveal for One of My Favorite Families

When Amanda called to ask if I would photograph their gender reveal, I was so excited for her, Mike and Cameron. It just seems like yesterday that we were planning their wedding day! But, that was years ago. Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?!?...
Fall Family Photos

Fall Family Photos

If you think there’s no fall color in Florida, you just might not be looking in the right place! What a fun shoot with this lively bunch. Thanks for trusting your annual family photos and Christmas cards to us this year. Save Save Save
Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

I knew the minute these guys walked in that I was going to have a blast with this little one. What a little cutie!