Welcome, Baby Asher

Welcome, Baby Asher

I just love my lifetime customers. John is a dear friend from many moons ago. We grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools and had many of the same friends. When his daughter became a senior in high school, he brought her to me for her senior photos....
Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

I knew the minute these guys walked in that I was going to have a blast with this little one. What a little cutie!

Phillip and Sayler

Phillip and Sayler also came over today to show me that they were ready for Santa to come!  Such sweet babies….I know they won’t have any coal in their stockings!

Little Kaysin is 3 months now

  Kaysin is three months NEW now and her little personality is really starting to shine.  She has her momma’s big smile and gorgeous eyes – such a pretty little thing.